Free Traffic Exchange


Internet marketing with a cube


I really love this site because you dont need to pay anything for you to be able to advertise your
website, just do some simple offer and they will give you 1 cube and you can use this cube to advertise your website just simply put your website link or referral link or whatever link you want to put in the cube. I got 2 direct referrals by just advertising my trekpay's link in you-cubez so I think it's worth a try! is an advertising platform with a unique concept that allows members to advertise with a backlink in the form of a cube from just £1.00. The idea is quite simple...

Purchase a cube (you select the amount you wish to pay) and your cube will be placed on the pages according to it's value; High - Low. Increase it's value by earning cube funds which can be acquired in various ways such as logging in daily, playing games, referring new members, sending invites and more. Adding these acquired cube funds to your cube will increase the value of your cube, thus it's position on the pages. The higher it appears, the more clicks you will receive and... the more you will earn should you decide to sell it. also includes an affiliate scheme that allows users to earn commission from members that they refer to the site.

Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange


This is a great traffic exchange for those who have their own website, they offer 1:1 ratio it means if you surf 1 website you get 1 visitor or hit.
So if you are looking for traffic in your website this is where you must put your time and effort

Members benefit

What Bonuses? All members receive:
Bonus pages with guaranteed prizes in rotation (credits, banner impressions, text ad impressions, Premium days, Surf drawing ticketsSurf Drawing
While you are surfing you are given surf drawing tickets for the current day’s drawing. Three lucky surfers receive $1 cash bonus each and three more surfers receive 500 credits each.

When the drawing is made on server restart, winners automatically get email notifications about their prizes. After that, all old surf drawing tickets are voided and a new drawing starts.

The more you surf = The more drawing tickets = The more chances to win!')" onmouseout="hidetip()" width="16" align="absmiddle" height="16"> and even extra cash!)

Premium members and toolbar users receive even bigger guaranteed prizes.
More you surf — More chances to get your guaranteed prizes!
Signup bonus of 50 free credits and 500 text ad impressions (after you surf your first 50 sites)

$0.30 cash bonus for 1000 viewed sites.
Earned credits can be converted into traffic to your sites. As soon as you get $3.00 on your account balance, you can request a cashout to your PayPal or AlertPay account.

$0.10 for every person you refer that surfs 100 or more sites.
Get free credits from your referrals on 5 levels:
10% of credits earned by your 1st level referrals, 5% of credits - 2nd level, 3% - 3rd level, 2% - 4th level, 1% - 5th level
Geographic, day and time targeting for your ads.
Regular Surfing and Referral Contests with cool prizes (check the latest newsletters for details).

Top 10 surfer bonus:
1st place surfer receives 10% of their today's earned credits, 2nd - 9%, etc. 10th place surfer receives 1% bonus.


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